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The link between physiotherapy and the rehabilitation of a patient after a condition or injury that has deprived them of function, is particularly close. After all, physiotherapy makes a catalytic contribution to recovery, programming the body and the functions that have been affected from the outset so that the patient can return to his everyday life with the greatest possible functional independence and the smallest possible functional deficits.

It essentially retrains the body to its previous patterns that have been lost or limited due to an external factor such as a medical condition, injury or surgery. Moreover, it is a valuable tool for almost all medical specialties, from neurology, orthopaedics and general surgery to pulmonology, cardiac surgery, paediatrics and urology.

Physiotherapy and fields of application

But how is physiotherapy defined? It is the science that uses a range of physical means and methods, as the name suggests, for example movement, light, water, electricity and the hands of the physiotherapist, to relieve symptoms of conditions that leave the patient with mainly motor problems.

In particular, it applies to conditions such as back pains, fractures, vascular strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, meniscus tears, osteoarthritis and, in general, musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. However, it also plays an important role in the treatment of chronic diseases, while its help is also valuable in primary health care.

The contribution of a physiotherapist after an accident, surgery or serious illness is crucial for the recovery of both physical and mental health. After all, the patient is faced with the limitation of his/her functionality and has to cope with the consequences on both a practical and psychological level. Therefore, in addition to the results achieved in the patient’s rehabilitation, the physiotherapist must make the patient understand the new reality, be disciplined to the goal, and understand the ways in which he/she must manage his/her life from now on.

Modern methods

Physiotherapy acts to achieve its goals either independently or in partnership with other types of medical care. Physiotherapists now have new, modern and innovative technological methods at their disposal, which address even the most demanding problems. The tools available include magnetic fields, ultrasound waves, robotic machines, electrotherapy, kinesitherapy, massage, while the methods are constantly being enriched in order to achieve faster and more effective rehabilitation of patients.

“The key to the process is the relationship that develops between the physiotherapist and the patient, which, especially in difficult cases, becomes a relationship of absolute trust.

Euromedica-Arogi Thessaloniki’s Physiotherapy Centre is staffed with experienced and specially trained physiotherapists, and relies on its high level of specialisation and long experience in the fields of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. It applies the latest scientific and technological standards in the field of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic physiotherapy. Its focus is on individualized care and a holistic approach to each case. In fact, the techniques applied require a lower frequency of repetition, significantly reducing the required rehabilitation time and the financial burden on the patient.

The ultimate goal is to treat the cause and not just the symptoms, thus ensuring a permanent solution for the patient. The Center provides high quality physical therapy services for the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, neurological conditions, spinal conditions, sports injuries, upper extremity conditions, chronic pain and more. The physical therapists work closely with each patient’s treating physician and follow his or her guidelines to achieve the desired outcome.

Movement is a source of life for the body and it is this very premise that lies at the “heart” of the physical therapy philosophy.

By Dimitrios Odambasoglou, Head of the Therapeutic Department at the Euromedica-Arogi Rehabilitation Centre of Thessaloniki

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