The IVF Center

FIVI. In Greek the name symbolizes the dawn and it means illuminating. According to Romans she was the Goddess of the moon. She was a Titaness and inextricably linked with maternity and fertility. The name encloses all the features that our IVF unit represents. With eyes to the future, values like anthropocentrism, caring and optimism find their place in FIVI who invites the couples to fall into her experienced hands in order to find their path to the new dawn.

Fivi’s Philosophy
Nowadays, medicine, due to its increased complexity, requires a high level of specialization. The collaboration of many different specialists, and facilities with the proper infrastructure to ensure the best possible outcomes and, above all, the safety of all those involved. To ensure direct access to physicians of other specialties, the Center operates within the framework of the Interbalkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki, a well established clinic with the necessary infrastructure which is one of the best medical clinics in the country.
Before implementing IVF, the IVF Center will exhaust all other simpler methods based on indications, on a case-by-case basis, and with sound reasoning, using a methodology in accordance with accepted international standards. In the process of achieving the identified goal, our primary concern is to minimize the medical burden and maximize the protection of our patients.
Personal monitoring of all candidate mothers/parents by a specific physician of their choice, as well as the provision of services across the entire spectrum of Obstetrics and Gynecology specialties in collaboration with external associates, is standard practice at the Center.
Fivi is situated and is part of the European Interbalkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki, one of the best Medical clinics in the country.
Quality- Facilities
The IVF Center of European Interbalkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki is a model, state of the art Medically Assisted Reproduction center in terms of modern facilities, structures, technology, and especially its human resources.
The IVF Center’s laboratory operates with the latest and most modern equipment in “clean room” facilities by using electronic tracking of samples via the “RI Witness” system as well as continuous monitoring of all the embryo culture parameters to ensure the highest of safety and quality standards.

For international patients, the hospital adheres to the most stringent international standards (Temos International). It has the following certifications:

  • By TUV HELLAS for the Quality Management System ΕΝ ISO 9001:2015
  • The IVF center is specifically certified by Swiss Approval with the special norm for Medically Assisted Reproduction centers, EN 15224

It renews its certifications through annual audits.

Our Services
In the process of achieving the desired outcome, our primary concern is to minimize the medical burden and maximize the protection of our patients.

  • Monitoring the menstrual cycle
    Ultrasounds and hormone blood tests are used to track a woman’s menstrual cycle in order to determine fertile days and increase the chances of spontaneous conception.
    Taking hormone preparations during the cycle may help stimulate the production of more eggs. The couple is informed of the likely conception time shortly after ovulation.
  • Intrauterine Insemination
    Insemination is the process by which the partner’s sperm (homologous insemination) or, if necessary, a donor’s sperm is deposited directly into the woman’s uterus. In artificial insemination, the sperm is processed in a lab so that only the most mobile and normal sperm is transferred. The processed sperm is deposited into the uterus transvaginally with a special fine catheter in a painless procedure. The method can be combined with medication-assisted ovarian stimulation. When indicated, intrauterine insemination is the first choice in treating infertility because it is less invasive and less expensive than IVF.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
    In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the procedure by which a woman’s eggs are fertilized with her partner’s sperm in a special lap (outside her body).
  • Preservation of Fertility
    Fertility preservation is the process of freezing eggs, sperm and embryos that can be stored and used at a later date.
  • Donation of Genetic Material
    Egg Donation. It is offered as an alternative for women who are unable to produce their own eggs, such as those suffering from premature menopause, advanced age, chemotherapy, or surgery. A woman may also choose to be a recipient of donor eggs if she is a carrier of a specific genetic (hereditary) disease and wants to avoid having a child with the disease.
    Donor eggs are fertilized with the partner’s sperm. According to Greek law, the egg donor is anonymous, so neither the couple nor she has access to her information.

HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, thalassemia, and a family history of genetic diseases are all screened for in all donors. Requests for donor eggs are usually extensive, so there is typically a waiting list. Egg donation is a voluntary and altruistic act.

  • Surrogacy
    Surrogacy is an assisted reproduction method allowed by a court order in which a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth (surrogate mother) after IVF and the transfer of fertilized eggs from another woman who wishes to have a child but is unable to do so due to serious medical reasons. Surrogacy is legal in Greece until the assisted person reaches the age of natural reproductive ability, which is 50 years old. The Center’s team used this method to achieve the first successful twin pregnancy in Greece about 25 years ago.

Collaboration with specialists
Unwanted childlessness and consultation/ psychological support: Unwanted childlessness is one of the most devastating crises, with emotional, social, economic, and psychological ramifications for the couple as well as their personal and professional environment.

INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS, SERVICES: We hope we have made you feel at home.
Medical Tourism in the IVF sector is a strategic priority for Athens Medical Group (AMG), which is known as a popular Fertility Tourism destination, as hundreds of individuals and couples from all over the world come to us to fulfill their dream of having a child.
The state-of-the-art FIVI – Fertility and IVF Centre at the European Interbalkan Medical Center (EIMC) is a pioneering IVF unit in Europe. An IVF Scientific Team, consisting of distinguished IVF experts, with long training and working experience in internationally recognized institutions, applies the most contemporary techniques and international updated protocols in fertility treatments.
Fivi’s high success rates, cutting-edge laboratories, specialized equipment, and affordable treatment options can ensure that infertile couples overcome physical, emotional, and social challenges.
EIMC’s International Patient Department (IPD) is exemplary in its organization, manned by highly experienced and multilingual personnel, working as a balanced network, constantly striving for excellence, and offering support and complimentary 24/7 VIP services to International patients.

International Patient Services
Considering the emotional aspect of the IVF journey, all parties involved, including medical, nursing, and administrative personnel, are completely committed to facilitating the entire process, understanding the difficulties that arise due to the distance from your home country as well as cultural or linguistic differences that may further stress the guests.

  • Pre-arrival, arrival & aftercare services
  • Complimentary personal VIP support, 24/7
  • Medical History evaluation – Second opinion, free of charge
  • Fast lane pass to all medical services and procedures
  • Complete concierge service (translation, family arrangements, visa, etc.)
  • Affordable prices
  • Medical file, for international patients, issued in English and in Russian, (test results, medical reports, imaging films etc.)

Why choose FIVI: We care for patients, not pregnancy rates

Becoming a parent sometimes becomes a challenging journey filled with hope and at the end of it, endless joy!

Our goal:
To be by your side on your journey that includes the most innovative medical treatments offered by FIVI’s distinguished medical staff, with compassion and care.

Success Rates
Patients travel long distances to see our doctors, who have been recognized as leading practitioners and researchers in the field, because they guarantee very high success rates in IVF (IVF)

We care
We treat every patient’s journey with sensitivity and respect. From the very first appointment, a relationship between the physician and the couple is built and the suitable, customized fertility treatment plan is designed.
We are committed to excellence
Excellence for us is linked to one thing: to focus on medical expertise, the latest technology and a customized plan based on the true needs of the couple to which we are driven by and committed to.
We love Communicating
Open communication with you is extremely important for us. At Fivi, anxiety is replaced with relaxation and the focus is placed on achieving a successful pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby. Our experienced staff will work with you explaining every step of your treatment. You will have direct and personal consultation by them, discussing your results, explaining them in detail. This procedure takes time but for us this is how success is maximized!

Fivi’s medical staff: long experience and the in-depth specialization.
Our highly trained and experienced team achieves outstanding results. FIVI’s highly specialized scientific staff consists of 20 internationally recognized doctors and embryologists, as well as other scientific specialties with at least 20 to 30 years of experience in assisted reproduction.

Suggested Accommodation:

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